FreeBSD hardware support
(too old to reply)
Alexander Ziaee
2024-04-30 19:07:09 UTC

The form is no longer accepting responses after 21 days. I think there are others like me who would be interested in replying, but only read the mailing list archives once every few weeks. Would you be willing to reopen it?

Alexander Ziaee

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
2024-05-01 00:59:38 UTC
Post by Alexander Ziaee
The form is no longer accepting responses after 21 days. I think
there are others like me who would be interested in replying, but
only read the mailing list archives once every few weeks. Would you
be willing to reopen it?
Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. There's no reference
to anything, and it's not clear what you mean by "the form". If you
want, reply just to me with more information and I'll see what I can
do. I'll copy hackers@ if there's anything to interest the group.

Sent from my desktop computer.
See complete headers for address and phone numbers.
This message is digitally signed. If your Microsoft mail program
reports problems, please read http://lemis.com/broken-MUA.php
Lorenzo Salvadore
2024-05-01 08:33:50 UTC
Post by Alexander Ziaee
The form is no longer accepting responses after 21 days. I think
there are others like me who would be interested in replying, but
only read the mailing list archives once every few weeks. Would you
be willing to reopen it?
Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. There's no reference
to anything, and it's not clear what you mean by "the form". If you
want, reply just to me with more information and I'll see what I can
I guess he is talking about this:


I am adding Greg Wallace to CC since he posted the first message in
the thread.


Lorenzo Salvadore

Posted automagically by a mail2news gateway at muc.de e.V.
Please direct questions, flames, donations, etc. to news-***@muc.de
Greg Wallace
2024-05-01 10:48:53 UTC

I re-opened it 📊


On Wed, May 1, 2024, 4:33 AM Lorenzo Salvadore <
On Wednesday, May 1st, 2024 at 02:59, Greg 'groggy' Lehey <
Post by Alexander Ziaee
The form is no longer accepting responses after 21 days. I think
there are others like me who would be interested in replying, but
only read the mailing list archives once every few weeks. Would you
be willing to reopen it?
Sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. There's no reference
to anything, and it's not clear what you mean by "the form". If you
want, reply just to me with more information and I'll see what I can
I am adding Greg Wallace to CC since he posted the first message in
the thread.
Lorenzo Salvadore
Greg 'groggy' Lehey
2024-05-01 23:00:53 UTC
Post by Lorenzo Salvadore
Post by Alexander Ziaee
The form is no longer accepting responses after 21 days. I think
there are others like me who would be interested in replying, but
only read the mailing list archives once every few weeks. Would you
be willing to reopen it?
Yes, that's right. We established it offline.
Post by Lorenzo Salvadore
I am adding Greg Wallace to CC since he posted the first message in
the thread.
I re-opened it 📊
Oh. That must have been fast. I tried it, and "it worked for me".
In any case, it seems that the matter is over. Thanks for the

Sent from my desktop computer.
See complete headers for address and phone numbers.
This message is digitally signed. If your Microsoft mail program
reports problems, please read http://lemis.com/broken-MUA.php
