Quick suggestion for upcoming 14.1 and future releases
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David Cross
2024-05-10 18:07:35 UTC
It would be really nice to capture the official freebsd pgp keys (at least for the release officers and security officers) into something like /usr/share/pgpkeys/freebsd or something.

That way on a plain freebsd install one can validate SAs/ENs/Releases without having to first find them on the website, download, etc. and then of course having to redo it every year as they expire.

This would also necessitate putting them in source control as well, which would give some added transparency when things change.


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Tomoaki AOKI
2024-05-10 21:29:26 UTC
On Fri, 10 May 2024 14:07:35 -0400
Post by David Cross
It would be really nice to capture the official freebsd pgp keys (at least for the release officers and security officers) into something like /usr/share/pgpkeys/freebsd or something.
That way on a plain freebsd install one can validate SAs/ENs/Releases without having to first find them on the website, download, etc. and then of course having to redo it every year as they expire.
This would also necessitate putting them in source control as well, which would give some added transparency when things change.
Or place a link to the Handbook[1]?
Or to another[2]?

[1] https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/pgpkeys/

[2] https://docs.freebsd.org/en/articles/pgpkeys/
Tomoaki AOKI <***@dec.sakura.ne.jp>

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